
「セールスエージェント」(以下 当サイト)は、ユーザーの個人情報の取扱いについて以下のとおりプライバシーポリシーを定めます。
1. 個人情報の定義
2. 外部サービスのAPIから取得した情報の用途について
当サイトでは、ユーザーの許可によって、Googleカレンダーと連携し、取得した情報を下記の目的に使用します。⑴ Gmail メールアドレス、ユーザ名、公開中のカレンダーを取得するため⑵ 当サイトからカレンダーの管理(追加、編集、削除)を行うため*当サイトで使用する Google カレンダー API のスコープが下記の3つです。https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendarhttps://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/ https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/*なお、当サイトの利用により、Googleのプライバシーポリシーと利用規約に同意したことになります。GOOGLE プライバシー ポリシーGOOGLE 利用規約
3. 個人情報の利用目的
当社は、個人情報を以下の目的で利用いたします。 ⑴ 本サービスに関するご案内、お問い合せ等への対応のため⑵ 当社の商品、サービス等のご案内のため⑶ 本サービスに関する当社の規約、ポリシー等に違反する行為に対する対応のため⑷ 本サービスに関する規約等の変更などを通知するため⑸ 当社のサービスの改善、新サービスの開発等に役立てるため⑹ 株主管理、会社法その他法令上の手続対応のため(株主、新株予約権者等の個人情報について)⑺ 当社のサービスに関連して、個人を識別できない形式に加工した統計データを作成するため⑻ その他、上記利用目的に付随する目的のため
4. 個人情報の安全管理・保管
5. 第三者提供
個人情報について、お客様ご本人の同意を得ずに当サイトが第三者に提供することは、以下の場合を除き、原則いたしません。⑴ 本サービスを実施するに当たり弊社代理店に対して個人情報を提供する必要がある場合⑵ 法令に基づく場合⑶ 人の生命、身体又は財産の保護のために必要がある場合⑷ 国の機関若しくは地方公共団体又はその委託を受けた者が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して⑸ 協力する必要がある場合⑹ 業務の遂行に係り、官公署へ書類を提出する場合⑺ 合併その他の事由による事業の承継に伴って個人情報が提供される場合
6. 個人情報の開示・利用停止・消去について
7. 個人情報保護方針の改定
8. 免責事項
9. お問い合わせ

Privacy policy

「Sales agent」(Hereinafter referred to as 「this site」) establishes the following privacy policy regarding the handling of user’s personal information.
1. Definition of privacy policy
In this privacy policy, personal information refers to information about living individuals that falls under any of the following items. History of pages and advertisements viewed, search keywords searched by the user, date and time of use, method of use, usage environment, zip code and gender, occupation, age, user’s IP address, cookie information, location information , Refers to the individual identification information of the terminal.
2. Use of information obtained from API of external service
With the permission of the user to integrate with their Google Calendar, this site will use the acquired information for the following purposes.⑴ To obtain user's google email address,username and sync google calendar informations.⑵ To manage (add, edit, delete) calendars from this site*We are using following three scope of the Google Calendar API on this site.https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendarhttps://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/ https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/* By using this site service you also agree to the following Google privacy policy and terms.Google Privacy PolicyGoogle Terms and Conditions
3. Purpose of using personal information
This site use personal information for the following purposes.⑴ To respond to information and inquiries regarding this service⑵ For information on our products and services⑶ To respond to acts that violate our terms and policies regarding this service⑷ To notify changes to the terms and conditions of this service⑸ To help improve our services, develop new services, etc.⑹ For shareholder management, corporate law and other legal procedures 「personal information of shareholders, stock acquisition rights holders, etc.」⑺ To create statistical data processed into a format that cannot identify individuals in relation to our services.⑻ For other purposes incidental to the above purpose of use
4. Safety management and storage of personal information
This site accurately processes the personal information provided, implements appropriate protection and safety measures to ensure the safety of the personal information held by this site, and loses, destroys, or falsifies the personal information. , No data leakage shall allowed.
5. Sharing data with third party
As a general rule, we will not provide personal information to a third party without the consent of the customer, except in the following cases.⑴ When it is necessary to provide personal information to our third party in order to execute this service.⑵ When required by law.⑶ When it is necessary to protect the life, body or property of a person.⑷ For a national institution or a local public body or a person entrusted with it to carry out the affairs stipulated by law.⑸ When it is necessary to cooperate.⑹ When submitting documents to a government office in connection with the performance of business.⑺ When personal information is provided due to business growth or due to merger or other reasons.
6. Disclosure / suspension / deletion of personal information
If the person who is the subject of personal information makes a request for disclosure, correction, suspension of use, erasure, etc. of his / her personal information, after confirming that he / she is the person by an appropriate method, We will respond promptly unless it is permitted by law or business to refuse.
7. Modification of privacy policy
This site may change its privacy policy without prior notice in response to changes in social conditions, technological progress, changes in various environments, etc. We will notify our users if any changes are made to this notice.
8. Disclaimer
Although every effort has been made to ensure that the information posted on this site is correct, we are solely responsible for any damages (indirect damages, special damages, results) caused by using the information on this site due to amendments to the law or other causes. We do not incur any damage or incidental damage. Please use all information at your own risk.
9. Inquiry
Regarding this privacy policy, Please do not hesitate to contact us from the inquiry form.